Can I order a signed book?
Yes! Absolutely. Contact M.R. Polish through email at m.r.polish.author@gmail.com. The website should have a shop open soon to make it easier for you to order copies of signed books.
How many books will be in the Wolf Series?
There are only four books.
Author Note: I know a lot of readers loved these books but there is just no more I can see for the story and have no plans to write more in that world.
Is there a fan club?
M.R. Polish has a street team on Facebook. The Bookmates Coven is an exclusive reader group for M.R. Polish books. You can join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bookmatescoven
Does M.R. Polish do book signings?
Yes. If there is a convention or author signing you would like to see her at, contact her at m.r.polish.author@gmail.com. While she can not make it to every signing, she does try to travel to reach as many readers as she can.
What is the newsletter?
The newsletter is an email M.R. Polish sends out to keep in touch with readers. It includes new releases, sales, and other fun bookish things. Get a free short story when you sign up!
Will there be more books to Shadow Moon?
Yes. Shadow Moon is the first of the Sandman Saga. There are three books slated for this series. Shadow Moon, Day Break, and Total Eclipse. The short story in the newsletter is a Sandman Saga story told from Sander's POV.
Can the Saddles and Spells books be read on their own?
Essentially, each book is a standalone, but it is best read in order.
How can I get an ARC copy of new books?
M.R. Polish posts updates on social media platforms when spots open up on her ARC teams. If you are interested in becoming an ARC reader you can sign up for her newsletter, follow her on TikTok or contact her here: m.r.polish.author@gmail.com
I have a question not listed here. How can I contact M.R. Polish?
M.R. Polish loves to hear from her readers. If you have any questions you can contact her here: m.r.polish.author@gmail.com.